My turn for a Dust This Thing Off™ Post

Resuming this blog, creative endeavors, and more

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Statement of Intent

Now that I have sloooowly been dipping my toes back into performance again, it seems fit that I make an attempt to revive regular updates to this website. Considering Twitter/X is as unstable as ever, having a domain I own be active seems more important than ever. Regardless of what I do from a performer standpoint, I intend to provide pulse updates here as a means of forming a habit of providing updates of any kind. Will it happen? We’ll see!

Halloween 2024 Stream

I’m taking this spot to soft announce a special Halloween 2024 stream! It’s going to take place at a special URL that I’ll advertise when ready, but it certainly won’t be on Twitch or Youtube for… reasons. Hopefully I get many collaborators, and that it’s a fun little way to celebrate since Halloween this year is on a Thursday, and most of us have work the next morning.

When will DooM streams return?

Great question! I certainly would like to bring the show back in a structured capacity, but as of right now, that’s not something I can commit to. I have a list of maps and mods to try out, and I might do some one-off multiplayer things here and there, but the interview show itself? It would be nice to launch a limited run of episodes or season in 2025. Statement of intent made.

What about panels and conventions?

While I have been appearing on stage again, I have not submitted any panels of my own, and am not sure when I will be ready to commit to that again. For now, I will semi regularly appear at the grace of my friends who allow me to join them. At the very least, if I’m at a convention and Audience Participation Whose Lion is happening, I will co-host that with Alkali. My likely next appearance will be MFF 2024, but otherwise I don’t have anything else scheduled. I am very sad that I will have to miss BLFC this year for the first time since I started going :(

Programming things

I might start posting writups of coding and tech stuff here, not sure. I’ve been dabbling with Textual and eventually want to show off a toy I’ve been working on here and there. Ever since redoing my entire homelab to be Proxmox, I’ve been able to experiment more with tech in general, including virtualizing my home router to a VM running OPNSense, which is really cool!

Awkward Endings

That’s it for this update, this whole post was stream of consciousness, so here’s to hoping another follows, uh, soon!